
Cagayancillo topographic map

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Cagayancillo topographic map, elevation, terrain

Cagayancillo topographic map, elevation, terrain


There are neither mountain ranges nor forested areas in the municipality. A hilly portion in the north-eastern part of the main island has a slope of 3-82%. The other areas are flat with the highest elevation around 2 to 3 meters. The majority of the island has a sandy loam soil not enough to support a forest.

About this map

Name: Cagayancillo topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Cagayancillo, Palawan, Mimaropa, 5321, Philippines (9.53691 121.15715 9.61691 121.23715)

Average elevation: 2 m

Minimum elevation: 0 m

Maximum elevation: 61 m